Study Of Frederick Mccubbin's The Letter 1884, Oil 12" x 16"

Sunday, March 29, 2009

One of my all time favorite Australian Artist is Frederick McCubbin, so I decided to have a go at painting his painting known as "The Letter 1884"I've painted it on Mont Marte 380 Premium Cotton Duck High Density Weave Professional Series Canvas and is 12"x 16" in size. The photo is not so great due to the oils being so wet so will try to get another photo in the next couple of days. But so far have done the back ground and will have to come back when it's dry to touch up some of the background and also paint the lady.

My Painting so far

Commission Piece complete Soft Pastel A3

After 22 hours I have finally complete this piece of work. I will be happy to pass it over to it's new owners. Just hope they like it.

Super Watercolour Pencils A3

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Having done a few of Pablo's works I felt it was time to put into practice what I have learned so far from his work. So here is my first attempts at a Pablo's style of original art.

Horse Landscape Complete

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I have been working on this one for a very long time now. It's an original straight out of my head, just a vision I had one day that come to me. Along the way I have changed many things starting with it's perspective right through to colour change and also adding in fine details. Anyway with much delight I have finally completed it. It's also the first time I have attempted horses in pastel so am reasonable happy with them.

3rd copy of Pablo Picasso's work, Watercolour Pencils A3

I've decided to study Pablo Picasso's works in the hope to understand them. This is now my third one. I was very happy with this one.

Three Frogs, Watercolour Pencils A4

Monday, March 23, 2009

Last night I had a bit of fun mucking around and this was the end result.

2nd copy of Pablo Picasso's work, Watercolour Pencils A3

I enjoyed having a go at one of Pablo's works so much the other day that I decided to have a go at another one. This was my end result.

Copy of Pablo Picasso's work, Watercolour Pencils A4

Sunday, March 22, 2009

After a hard day out working on car didn't feel much like working on something real important to me so decided to do a copied study of one of Pablo Picasso's works as I totally dig his works. The left side when looking at the PC I am very very happy with, but the right side there are considerable differences. I first tried to sketch this one but found that wasn't working so when I did this one I did it by putting in the colours in order to get the shapes and I found for the most part this worked well. Best part though I had heaps of fun doing this one and enjoyed getting to know Pablo's works a little more.

Horse Landscape WIP

Today I have done some more work on the houses and also the grass and completed the two horses in the centre.

Horse Landscape WIP

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Yesterday I did a little more work on this one. I've started to add in the details.

Horse Landscape WIP

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Yesterday I got around to doing a little more work on this one. I have finally finished putting in the back ground colours except for on the horses as I will do them all in one go. Now that I have the background colours in I will start to add all the detail to the piece.

Captain Cooks Cottage Oil A3

Monday, March 16, 2009

On the weekend I took my children to visit Captain Cooks Cottage, located in the Fitzroy Gardens in Melbourne Australia. Working of my own reference photo this is the image I created. It's painted in Oil's on Canvas pad and is A3 in size.

Billabong On The Murray, Oil on MDF Wood 65 x 45cm

Friday, March 13, 2009

This one I painted the other week in watercolours and really was not happy with it. It was suggested by a friend on my forum to repaint it as well worth it and a few friends gave me some advice on it which I have tried to take into consideration on this one also. Ive left out the big tree as it was felt best without it. I couldn't bring myself to do this again in watercolours so decided to do it in Oil paint instead. As I have no canvas it's painted on MDF and is 65 x 45cm in size.

It Beast - Graphite A3

Howdy all this was just a little mucking about. I call it "It beast" because it is neither female nor male gender as has inklings of both in it, but beast as it is a beast.

Stormy Sunset over Norman Island, Wilson Promontory National Park Vic

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A friend gave me a nice big calender and this is an image I have taken from it. I was using Coral Painter X just mucking about trying to learn the program.

WIP Seaford Beach

Today I started to add in the pier. Still a lot of work needs to be done on this one tidying it up so this is just an update.

Kangaroo Landscape A3

Monday, March 9, 2009

At the suggestion of one of my members on my Woody Art and Things forum I have started a new competition. This competition focuses on particular skills in painting. This time it was looking at monochromes and building up colours bit by bit. This was the outcome of my own entry. In real life it has more of an orange brown tinge to it but for some reason wouldn't show up as such.

Up date of Billabong on the Marray Painting

I have darkened the trees to the left and also the foreground as well as the large tree in the foreground in hope to give the painting a bit more contrast.

Still Life Graphite A4

Saturday, March 7, 2009

This one have done as a study for the fun competition going in my forum Woody Art and Things. I enjoyed doing this one and focusing on the different tone values.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

This was just a little playing around I did yesterday but forgot to upload. My aim was to use only burnt sienna and to paint a monochrome. My other aim was to practice reflections.

Lady Statue

Today I introduced a new fun competition in my forum Woody_Art_and_Things. The competition was of a still life in graphite. So to get the competition on the movie this was my entry. In reality the sketch looks a little darker.