Meet Jaunldzy

Friday, November 13, 2009

Jaunldzy was first sketched and created out of my imagination in 2007. She is the original artwork of Sketchart26. It was put to me that Jaunldzy would make a good Bas-Relief, so after finding out what this meant I went about my way and began to carve her. She measures the size of A3 paper and is carved into MDF and then painted with Feast Watson Stain & Varnish Rich Jarrah Satin heat dried and sanded back then masked and painted outside with the Rich Jarrah Satin and heat dried and painted over with a coat of Jo Sonja's Gloss Varnish and finally heat dried again. For the purpose of the design she was uploaded to Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XP, where I cut her out and added in a new background. The design features an alien like creature which takes on the form of a human.