Forest Pond Complete

Sunday, November 23, 2008

This is the final steps for my forest pond

1. Photo shows were I started from

2. Sky
First I mixed up an opaque purple leaving the colours unmixed. Then added it to the top to give the effect of sky. Make sure it is very transparent.

3. Complete Photo
Make up some lights and darks and with a small brush just define the trees some more and add in a figure to make an interest point.

To see the actural tutorial here are the links.

Forest Pond" Stage 1 Fine Art Tutorial

Forest Pond" Stage 2 - Fine Art tutorial

"Forest Pond" Stage 3 - Fine Art tutorial

"Forest Pond" Stage 4(a) - Fine Art tutorial

"Forest Pond" Stage 4(b final) - Fine Art tutorial

4. Up close photos

Hope you enjoyed